Tree Medics LLC
P.O. Box 271 Eldridge, IA 52748-0271 Phone (563) 579-8733 (TREE)
E-mail: treemedicsqca@yahoo.com
Tree Medics LLC is a licensed, insured, trained and experienced arborcultural insecticide, fungicide, pesticide and nutrition (fertilization) applicator that specializes in controlling the Emerald Ash Borer, other tree pests, and other conditions. We employ only the highest quality Arborjet Pesticides including: Tree-Age®, Ima-Jet®, and Ace-Jet® insecticides that are field tested and field proven and uniquely guaranteed in writing by Tree Medics LLC to control Emerald Ash Borers a minimum two years!
Tree Medics applies a medium duty pesticide dose to Emerald Ash Borer non-infested trees and a heavy duty pesticide dose in accordance with Arborjet reccomendations to Emerald Ash Borer infested trees.*
Fungicides include: Arborjet Phospho-Jet®, and Alamo®. Nutrition products include MinJet Iron® and Palm-Jet®.
Tree Medics LLC employs only the most effective and most environmentally safe method of application**. Pressure injection assures that 100% of the insecticide(s), pesticide(s), fungicide(s) and nutrition product(s) are injected directly into the trees' trunk / vascular system, which prevents product groundwater contamination, while also maximizing the effectiveness of application. Arbor plugs are installed at each injection site to seal the injected products in and to seal potential tree pests out. This safe method also keeps the injected products out of the groundwater and away from children, pets and wildlife.
Tree Medics LLC utilizes these products and practices to provide the best protection, minimal injection sites, and the best value, i.e. "the best protection value for the buck," while conserving your valuable Ash and other deciduous and conifer trees.
*Note: Trees with up to 40% Emerald Ash Borer infestation can be saved utilizing tree-ageĀ® insecticide but proactive Emerald Ash Borer treatment is highly recommended.
**Except trees less than 4" diameter breast height (DBH), that require drenching